·Updated to 1.3.7 Creator Changes: -Fixed alphabetization incorrectly sorting escape sequences due to whitespace. Engine Changes: -Title BG music can now be customized like Wifi and Offline Menu Music by putting a brstm called "title_bg.brstm" in My Stuff. -Fixed silent BG music and related crashes when someone would have My Stuff on but no bg brstms. Riivolution would create an empty file no matter what. -Rewrote BuildPulsar.bat (previously BuildCode.bat) to use generic paths so that it works as is. ·Updated to 1.3.6 Creator Changes: -Fixed alphabetization ignoring versions. -Icon count is now correctly written to Config files. Engine Changes: -Offline Menu BG music can now be customized like Wifi Music by putting a brstm called "offline_bg.brstm" in My Stuff. -Fixed Wifi Music streams not playing in the correct sequence. The streams now match the vanilla ones. -Track blocking now works in Friend Rooms. -Track blocking now takes Random votes into account. -Blooper no longer has an erroneous initial timer. -Pressing watch replay after finishing a Time Trial no longer crashes the game. The crash was due to the game trying to extract data from the fanfare BRSTM which wasn't loaded if music was disabled. -Fixed the friend room Title BMG being hidden due to Settings. ·Updated to 1.3.5 Creator Changes: -Staff ghosts will now be put in an Experts folder. This folder no longer needs to be moved to the NAND. -Edited the XML to reflect the various additions. Engine Changes: -Wifi Music can now be customized by putting a brstm called "wifi_bg.brstm" in My Stuff. That file supports up to 4 streams. Stream 1 is the main wifi menu, stream 2 is the friendlist, stream 3 is when clicking worldwide and stream 4 looks unused (but it could be used). -Now correctly keeps the ghost that was being raced when retrying a race after setting a new time. -Fixed a settings bug where the total size of the file was miscalculated which was causing heap corruption and crashes on boot. ·Updated to 1.3.4 Creator Changes: -Fixed a pasting issue in track name boxes which allowed invalid characters and could lead to a corrupted config. Engine Changes: -Fixed a SELECT packet phase sync issue that was causing room hangs if the host disconnected. -Fixed the "Disable All" music option not disabling Wifi Waiting music. -Fixed "In Order" offline VS mode. ·Updated to 1.3.3 Creator Changes: -Fixed import bug which caused boxes to be empty. -Fixed alphabetisation of escape sequences in track names. Engine Changes: -Fixed a bad port in the battle glitch code. ·Updated to 1.3.2 Creator Changes: -Fixed mass import window height issues (a bug that was previously fixed but came back due to a merge issue). -Fixed some import bugs. -Fixed Linux ghost folder issues due to case-sensitivity. Engine Changes: -Fixed speedometer player 1 being in the wrong location in local multiplayer. -Fixed softlock when no one picked a track in battle. -Fixed music speedup not working correctly sometimes online. -Fixed ultra mini-turbos sparks not disappearing. -Fixed total trophy count not decreasing when a track gets replaced or removed. ·Updated to 1.3.1 Creator Changes: -Fixed an infinite loop that happened when trying to build a pack with tracks containing escape sequences such as \c{red3} Engine Changes: -Fixed a bad NTSC-U port that caused the music setting to crash. -Fixed a bad NTSC-K port that caused cup icons to be wrong. ·Updated to 1.3.0 MAJOR CHANGE: -Config.pul now uses version 2. If you want to use the new features, you need to import and reexport your config file. Creator Changes: -Build and Mass Import now use context menus for better accessibility. -"Build Config Only" now builds the config without checking for files. The resulting file cannot be used in-game, but can be imported and modified in the software as needed. -The previous "Build Config Only" behaviour is now executed by "Build Config & Tracks" -Cup names and icons can now be imported without first having to import tracks. -Building no longer deletes the already existing output folder if it fails. -Mass importing tracks no longer requires versions. -Alphabetize now ignores escape sequences. -Added the option to choose the timer a host has to select a track in between races. Engine Changes: -Added a Disable Music setting. -Now has an in-game option to use an alphabetical layout. -GPs trophies and ranks are now tracked by the settings file. -Playing offline VS with the "In Order" setting no longer repeats the first selected track if it is not the first track of a cup. -The LAP brctr no longer causes crashes for non-english players. -Duplicate times now create a new rkg file. -Fixed a bug where picking DS Yoshi Falls as the host as the end of a race would instead pick a random track. -Fixed randomizer getting stuck (the previous bug fix got lost due to a merge issue). ·Updated to 1.2.1 Creator Changes: -Fixed battle arenas not working for music slots in the mass import window. -Fixed a crash on cups >100 when removing the name of the cup. ·Updated to 1.2.0 Creator Changes: -Added a new tab to edit regular tracks experts. It is only visible if regs are enabled. -Added a button to edit Pulsar BMGs directly. Note that you will need to edit these BMGs every time, since BMG ids could be removed, changed or added by any given update. For your own custom BMGs, taking MenuSingle_X.szs "common.bmg" file, editing it to your needs and putting it in UIAssets is a guaranteed permanent solution. -Cup names and icons are no longer limited to 100. If you use more than 100 icons, the images resolution will gradually get reduced to preserve a small UIAssets.szs file. -Now includes Wiimm tools dlls. -No longer adds a space to every track on import. -Now asks if the XML should be created on Build Config Only click. -Now creates semi-unique (the mod name and a random 0-255 number) riivolution patch IDs on every build to prevent conflicts. -Only one instance of the software can now exist. -Fixed text being allowed in various number-only boxes and leading to a crash. -Fixed bad date imports when trying to import config files built on a different locale. -Fixed bad CC distribution imports. -Improved build and import code. Engine Changes: -Host always wins now provides a random button. -Speedometer assets (in RaceAssets.szs) are now called PULSpeedo to prevent conflicts with CTGP's speedometer. -COOB no longer activates on normal AREAs type 10. -Fixed a crash that occured if you didn't select a track after selecting a cup online. -Fixed an offline bug where a given SZS would get reused if it was on the same track slot as the previously played track. -Fixed a badly ported NTSC-U address that was causing a crash when an item landed on the Maple Treeway bridge. -Fixed infinite track randomizing issues. -Lap splits are now displayed for up to 9 laps (credit to WingCapMan for the UI assets). -Rear-view inputs no longer get stored into ghost files. Files that were already saved with rear-view inputs will unfortunately look backwards when replayed. ·Updated to 1.1.3 Creator Changes: -Fixed bad XMLs getting created. ·Updated to 1.1.2 Creator Changes: -Trying to build a pack of over 100 cups no longer throws an exception. -Fixed mass import window scaling issue. -Now creates a CTBRSTM folder inside the pack folder. This is where BRSTM expansion files need to be put. -Now creates a My Stuff folder. Engine Changes: -Fixed author display BMG issue in VS intro. ·Updated to 1.1.1 Creator Changes: -Import no longer fails for configs of over 100 cups. -No longer warns an infinite amount of times about names and icons for cup indexes over 100. -Backslashes are now allowed in track names, but should only be used for BMG formatting (e.g. for coloured text) Engine Changes: -New race settings to choose the speedometer location and to change its number of fractional part digits -New host setting to allow/forbid the use of mii heads in a friend room ·Updated to 1.1.0 MAJOR CHANGE: -Pulsar data on dolphin now lives in Dolphin Emulator/Wii/shared2. It was previously in Dolphin Emulator/Wii/title/00010004 but some users' NAND had specific permissions prevent the use of that location. MAKE SURE TO MOVE YOUR PACK DATA TO THE NEW LOCATION. Misc: -A discord server has been created at https://discord.gg/Wd8uGCrDVg Creator Changes: -Now allows custom cup icons and names. They can both be mass imported. PNG is the recommended format for the images. -Galaxy colosseum is now selectable as a music slots. Battle arenas are no longer selectable as track slots.. -The input/output folders no longer get created at the wrong location when the software is started through a .pul file. -Attempt at making the mass import window work for everyone (the save buttons is somehow sometimes outside of the window and inaccessible), although this likely still does not address the issue. -Fixed massive trophy counts getting written to config files. Engine Changes: -Cup Select buttons are no longer mistakenly unaccessible. -If no controller input is made on the strap screen, boot to wiimmfi will be skipped (as it stands, no way to determine which controller the player is attempting to use). -Flaps now work properly. -RKG ghosts no longer get unproperly overwritten on load (currently, this causes slightly slower ghost loading times which is especially noticeable on console). -Improved sample inheritance file for those wanting to write their own codes. -Settings can now be accessed on packs that have neither feathers nor 200cc. -Fixed a crash that would occur on packs where cups got added. -Fixed BMG issue in GP mode. -Fixed race count related crash in friend rooms. -Fixed bad cup ordering on packs with 8 or fewer total cups. -Fixed track names being stored incorrectly in leaderboard files. ·Updated to 1.0.1 Creator Changes: -Pasting is no longer possible in numbers only boxes -RKG dropping now works properly -CC probabilities boxes now function better ·Updated to 1.0.0 Engine Changes: -Release version Creator Changes: -Release version